a dining area of a luxury care home

Helpful Tips If You’re Debating a Care Home for a Loved One

Deciding whether a care home is the right choice for loved one isn’t easy. It’s a big life-changing decision and – understandably – one that is charged with a lot of emotions. 

Whether you decide to go down the route of a care home or continue living at home for your loved one, it’s entirely your choice and what works for your family and circumstances.  

Today, we’ve rounded up the main considerations when putting a loved one into a care home.


There’s lots of opportunity for socialising and interaction with other people who are a similar age in a care home. There are usually lots of activities designed especially for the residents, such as days out, games, performances and music. 

Living at home does not always provide the same level of interaction. However, it does potentially enable the person to see friends, neighbours, and relatives regularly. 

Of course, loved ones can visit a care home too, but this is usually restricted to visiting hours. Living at home would give you more control over your own schedule. 

Rosemary Lodge Activities


There’s always someone around 24/7 at a care home, including a qualified nurse to administer medical care if needed. Medication and other treatments are also fully supervised by a trained professional, giving families peace of mind. 

Living at home may make it feel like someone is always on hand for the person to care around the clock, but this often comes at the cost of the family carers’ health or mental wellbeing. 

It’s essential to consider these factors when looking into the right path for your loved one. 

Liberty House Cinema


Everyone loves being surrounded by their own things. 

Living in your own home means that you’re in a familiar setting, and this can be very comforting for people who are sick and in need of care. 

You can also adapt to your space to make it more functional and tailored to care needs while still feeling at home. For example, a profiling care bed helps you keep safe and prevent falls with its adjustable height and optional side rails. 

Going into a care home may feel like worlds away from your own home, but most permit residents to personalise their rooms with their own furniture, pictures and keepsakes. It’s all about weighing up what’s right for your loved one, and this could change over time depending on your care needs. 

Liberty House Bedroom with Profiling Bed


It’s no secret that care home fees can be expensive, and while you can access funding from your local authority in some circumstances, this requires you to be assessed as needing residential care and undergo a means test. 

Naturally, the alternative of staying at home can be more affordable. However, the costs of living still apply such as rent, bills and food – all of which are usually included in care home fees. 

Juggling caring responsibilities and running a house isn’t easy, and carers often leave their jobs to care full time for a family member or partner.


Did you know?

As many as 600 people give up their jobs every day to care

CarersUK, 2019


A potential reduction of income due to caring is something to consider when assessing if a care home is the right choice for a loved one.  

Buddleia House Pub

Emotional impact

We know that you’ll be all too familiar with the emotions that come with caring for a loved one. 

If you choose the care home route, you may experience feelings of guilt, while living at home may put a strain on your personal relationship with the person you’re caring for. 

On the one hand, living at home allows the person to feel more independent, closer to their family and friends and safe in a familiar setting. On the other hand, a care home provides around-the-clock care and attention in a safe place designed for people with care needs. 

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