An older gentleman holding his side

Why would an elderly person start leaning to one side?

Whether you are a family member, carer or the person this affects, it is important to understand why someone might start leaning to one side when sitting. What is equally important is to understand what can be done to address this, including ensuring your loved ones have a comfortable and supportive chair, like a riser recliner chair

In this article, our experts will explain why an elderly person would start leaning to one side, and what you can do to help them instead sit in a healthy, safe posture. To find out more about how a recliner riser chair can prevent your loved ones from leaning, get in touch with the Opera Beds team today.

Reasons an elderly person starts leaning to one side

If you have noticed your elderly loved ones have started to lean to one side when sitting down, it might be as a result of one of the following:

Neurological Conditions 

Any neurological conditions have the potential to cause problems when sitting down as the messages that are sent from the brain to the muscles are affected. This can cause movements to be slower, and less coordinated and affect an individual’s balance. Such can then lead to a decrease in activity which leads to weakening of the muscles which further affects how an individual can move and the posture they sit in. 


As we get older, our muscles become weaker and our joints stiffer. This can lead to an individual beginning to lean. Pain related to conditions such as arthritis can also affect how an individual sits; changing posture to reduce this pain can cause leaning or slumping in a chair.

Skeletal Problems 

There are specific skeletal problems such as scoliosis that can cause an individual to lean; scoliosis is where the spine is curved to one side in either a “C” or an “S” curve. Osteoporosis, where the bones become brittle and have a honeycomb appearance on X-rays, can also cause your spine to change shape. Many with this condition change how they sit to manage any pain, which might lead them to lean to one side in particular.

A diagram of Scoliosis of the spine


Pain can be wide-ranging from injury to nerve damage, and problems such as pressure damage. An individual will try and alter their posture to reduce the pain they experience and leaning can be one way to achieve this. Pressure damage can be caused by side-leaning as there is more weight through one area. This means it’s important to make sure an individual sits as well supported as possible.

Incorrect Seating

Having a chair that is the wrong size is often an overlooked reason why an elderly individual may lean to one side. A chair that’s too wide or too deep will cause someone less strong to lean for additional support. If you are worried you are sitting in the incorrect chair, you can check for the following: 

  • Seat Height: An individual’s feet should be able to be placed flat on the floor (19% of a person’s body weight goes through their feet!) with their knees and hips at 90 degrees. 
  • Seat Depth: There should be support along the thighs with approximately one to two finger’s width between the back of the knee and the front of the chair cushion.
  • Seat Width: The chair should be wide enough that they can sit to the back of a chair but not so wide that they have to lean to feel safe and stable. 
  • Armrest Height: If the armrests are too low, an individual will lean more to make contact with the armrest; if it is too high this can cause pain and discomfort in the neck and shoulders as they are in a hunched position. 

A seating assessment can help identify what type of chair will meet an individual’s needs best and prevent further problems from occurring. Alternatively, read our blog post on how to measure for a riser recliner chair from our knowledge hub.

A older couple sat in a riser recliner chair in their Livingroom


How to keep elderly relatives from leaning to one side

Once you have identified why an elderly person would start leaning to one side, you can help prevent this from happening by doing the following:

Ensure they have a comfortable and supportive chair

With an elevated backrest to help improve posture and adjustable features to improve balance, riser recliner chairs offer elderly individuals support in the seated position, which can prevent them from leaning to one side. Choose from a variety of different types of recliner chairs to find one that best suits your needs.

Check their environment 

It is important to look at an individual’s environment as well as how they are sitting as they may be leaning to watch the television or to speak to family members. Hearing or visual impairment could also be a factor in this, so it is worth ensuring that an individual’s hearing and vision have been checked.

Encourage them to stay active

This doesn’t mean running a marathon but instead encouraging general movement and not staying in one position for a long period. Stretches can reduce stiffness and maintain a good posture. Engaging in hobbies and interests is also important from a physical and psychological point of view.

Older people taking part in dance exercise

Introduce mobility aids

Not everyone will need this but if balance, falls or reduced confidence affects an individual’s ability to move around, it may be worth considering a mobility aid to assist in moving around safely.

Consult a specialist 

If an individual is experiencing problems with their posture, it is advisable to contact an occupational therapist to assess their posture and give advice on appropriate seating. This can be done either through a referral from a GP or finding a private occupational therapist through the Royal College of Occupational Therapy (there will be a charge for a private occupational therapist).

Chat with our team today

Our team of specialists are on hand to help you find the right seating for your lifestyle and health requirements. Whether you’re looking for a riser recliner to discourage your elderly loved one from leaning to one side, or another of our premium products to enhance comfort and mobility, get in touch with us today. 

You can request a brochure or book a consultation with Opera Beds about what type of seating may meet your needs.

    A Opera sales woman showing a customer a rise recliner chair

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